Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Very Necessary

So, its mad late and I get an IM saying "turn to 189 NOW"
I oblige. Its not that Pixar hasnt led me astray MANY times in the past, its just that its usually at least hilarious, and I cant remember what 189 is and am half-way expecting it to be BCAT showing trannies at the West Indian Day parade.
True Story.
VH1 Soul, back to back videos from House Party (sidenote:can the rash of throwback flattops go away immediately, please. No one has ever looked right rocking one. Not even Wesley Snipes in New Jack City, although he came the closest) followed by SaltN Pepa with their doorknocker earrings and coordinated dances, and Tone Loc. I aint mad at any of that.

But the real reason I was compelled to write this was the Freestyle section. OH MY GOD! Lisa Lisa talking about taking you home in that pink genie satin swami pant situation. WOW! There was a chick wearing her hair like a unicorn! And it still looked fly! I love that track, so I was psyched when it came on, but I had no idea how much I really loved it until I saw those outfits, and the chick who is part unicorn.

Watch this:

Followed up by Shannon, Let the Music Play. The video wasn't anywhere as amazing as the Cult Jam, but that track is still a banger. That being said, here's some freestyle for you:

Can You Feel the Beat
Party Goin On
Glamorous Life
And of course,The Mexican!

And just cause they liked Door-knocker earrings too....Cars That go BOOM

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