Sunday, March 4, 2007

Living By Words Alone

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In the midst of a demonstration, a breaking moment of news, or near riot, there is a certain degree of bullet-proof delusion that cancels out the usual fear involved in such moments when you are reporting on the event itself. Your camera or recorder feel as if they are a shield between you and the rest of the world, since within the minds eye you have ceased to be a participant and have crossed into the realm of conscientious observer.

The fantasy of merely being the watchful eye is just that. Everyday reporters put themselves at risk, far more reality based than the fear of losing a lead or accidentally deleting that perfect shot. Those who report the wars are not just watching but become a part of them. Often used as pawns and leverage in negotions, these men and women take risks for a living.

The Committee to Protect Journalists keeps meticulous records of abuses to the journalistic community and offers help for those headed out on dangerous assignments or in the midst of capture or arrest in hostile environments.

Go check out their site: Committee to Protect Journalists and browse the press freedom archives for statistics on killings, abductions, and imprisonments. And after that consider giving them a donation, to help keep the project running.

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