Monday, February 12, 2007

"Trust Your Story"

"Is the inner world of a story too big to get onto the page?"

All stories are too big to get onto the page, if they're good stories.
Just like the world is too big to get onto the page. But you can
sketch and scratch it, and show bits that imply the whole. You can let
the reader put it together in her mind.

--Neil Gaiman, excerpt from

As usual the world provides me with playful and productive synchronicity. This weekend I finally watched Neil Gaiman's "Mirror Mask" and realized that I needed to take some time and get better acquainted with Mr.Gaimans body of work. There's the beast that is the Sandman series, childrens books: "The Day I Swapped My Dad For Two Goldfish" and "The Wolves In the Walls" (which you can get audio of him reading...his voice is fantastic), and tons of other graphic novels, short stories and film projects.

As luck should have it, he's just released a new book of short stories, "Fragile Things", and did a fun email interview on There is nothing more satisfying than good timing.

A clip from Mirror Mask...

Go visit him on his page, he's a juggernaut

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