Since I'm a nerd, and totally addicted to both dashboard and reading the days headlines, me and the CNN widget have been tight since day one. Our relationship was honest, keeping tabs on goings on, quietly on the sidelines of each others day. And although I didn't always agree with what my little black, white, and red interface had to say I could at least look at it knowing it was trying to maintain a modicum of integrity.
Two days ago, or perhaps three, I hit the little refresh button and thought that there had been some glitch in my system. All these little hyperlinks were littering the sections directly below each headline, making it only possible for me to read 2 at a time! And for what? So that you could send it to facebook and digg it easier! Ugh...look, Im all for changing with the times, I just don't think it necessary to clutter up my headlines with what seem to be less than pressing issues. How could you know that you want to email/facebook/ unless you've already read the story? Put it along the bottom of the actual story, or at the very least hire a decent web designer to make those hyperlinks (which are SECONDARY to the headlines) less visually obtrusive. Im saying, you're a multi-million dollar company you must know people who can provide this sort of service.
I'll always have a special place on my dashboard for you, but until you learn how to act, BBC widget with it's scrolling headlines and search bar are getting all your time.
And just to save face and thank you for bearing with my rant:
Bad News